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checking account, debit, or credit card.
My giving is evidence of my faith. My giving record shows that God is a provider and I am abundantly blessed.
My giving is a public record of my heart, for where my treasure is, is evidence of my Godly affection.
Father, thank you for giving me the opportunity to display my love, faithfulness, obedience, and gratitude towards you through my giving.
With my giving, I break the curse of financial poverty. Through my giving, I release a spirit of favor and provision because God loves a cheerful giver.
I eat the best!
I drive the best!
I wear the best!
I live in the best!
In Jesus’ name!
Text to Give Numbers
The Office of The Bishop
833-904-3237 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Chesapeake
855-929-0422 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Va Beach
833-708-1463 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Peninsula
833-603-1505 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Elizabeth City
833-703-0857 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Portsmouth
833-940-3292 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Suffolk
833-350-1669 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount at Western Branch
833-605-1542 and $ Dollar Amount
The Mount Cyber
844-590-1321 and $ Dollar Amount